Friday 5 July 2013

Preparation of Kukkutandatwaka bhasma prepared by 3 different methods & its physicochemical analysis

          Time has changed the modalities and therapeutic scenarios of Ayurveda
 according to need. Original Ayurveda according to Vedas has mainly used 
herbs, whereas the time progressing metallic compounds started taking the
 role especially during 08th century onwards. Many classical texts took birth
 and saw the real glory of Ayurveda. Certain scholars sacrificed their lives
 for creation of amazing therapeutic herbo mineral preparations. One among 
such innovations in Rasashatstra is bhasma . It is a residual substance, in
 the form of a fine powder, that is left when a metal or mineral combusts 
or is calcinated due to heat, especially of a metal, now known as an oxide.
          Bhasmas are the unique Ayurvedic metallic preparations mixed 
with herbs in various forms to treat various chronic illnesses. When 
they are purified according to the given guidelines they work well 
and exhibit unmatched therapeutic effect. Bhasma are biologically
 produced nano particles enabling the metals or gems easily assimilable,
 digestible and free from side effects. Authentically prepared  bhasmas are 
free side from side effects and  at times are more potent than modern
 medicines. After consumption, they never modify or change their structure
 or metabolize like modern synthetic molecules. Instrumental neutron
 activation analysis proved that Bhasmas contain metallic elements in nano
 particle levels chelated with organic ligands derived from medicinal herbs,
 clearly emphasizes that metals do possess therapeutic values; however,
 when they are calcinated or made in to an oxide or sulphide form with
 help of herbs with certain purified procedure they exhibit their inside
 therapeutic affects in the form of nano particles.
The bhasma are said to become one with the rasa-raktadhatus and 
cure even the incurable ,dreadful disease when used intelligently. 
nutrition deficit diet or old age related osteoporotic changes leading to osteoarthritis , perimenopausal females due to imbalance in oestrogen levels develops various symptoms for which ideally calcium supplements are advised by allopathic doctors also. Thus modern pharmacies generate a huge capital in these calcium preparation. On a similar line in Ayurveda also, such calcium rich dravyas are mentioned and specially they are categorized under Sudhavarga. One such medicine is Kukkutandatvak bhasma. kukkutandatwak means outer shell of hen’s egg i.e an animal source. It is just not rich in calcium but also contains other trace minerals which promotes absorption and assimilation of kukkutandatwaka bhasma which other wise is not present in synthetic calcium supplements. Not only it is cost effective, balances calcium levels in body but also treats other symptoms due to its rasa viryavipaka as such it is successfully used in various disorders such as leucorrhoea impotency etc. natural calcium preparations are more effective than synthetic calcium due to two main reasons.
One thing is, they contain easily absorbable calcium content of > 24 % with easily assimilable form of oxide. In addition, they contain other trace elements such as magnesium, copper, zinc etc. Irrespective of the stomach health they do exhibit their efficacy unlike synthetic molecules which cannot be absorbed in unhealthy gut conditions such as indigestion, chronic gut motility disorders, hormonal imbalances etc. The additional advantage of this unique combination is that they exhibit additional therapeutic actions such as correcting indigestion, helps reduce phlegm, have antacid activity, ulcer healing and anti colic properties which cannot be expected with synthetic molecules.
Also at times it is used as a substitute for Mrugashringa which is a banned drug but a useful drug in Ayurveda.
Aims and Objectives of the Study
1.To carry out  shodhana, marana of  kukkutandatvak bhasma according to the methods laid down in Rasa tantrasaara (By Puta method).
2.To carry out shodhana, marana of kukkutandatvak bhasma according to the methods laid down by khadivaale Vaidya in his book Praatyikshik Aushadhikarana (by Roasting method).
3.To carry out shodhana, marana of kukkutandatvak bhasma according to the method followed by S.G.PhytoPharma Ltd, Kolhapur. (By Steaming method).
4.To carry out the physico- chemical analysis of the Kukkutandatwaka Bhasma.

kukkutandatvak is nothing but hen’s egg shell. Eggshells present healthy, balanced calcium due to trace amounts of other minerals contained in it. Eggshell calcium is probably the best natural source of calcium, and it is easier for your body to digest and absorb. Dutch researchers have reported recently a highly positive effect of eggshell calcium (with added magnesium and vitamin D) on bone mineral density in a scientific study (double blind, placebo-controlled). Laboratory test and measures of bone density were carefully made in these studies. The eggshell had measurable increases in bone density in their hip bones, after one year.
The ideal bone-building combination of eggshell calcium and vitamin D3 was also well documented in Japanese studies. Researchers at the Japan Women’s University, Tokyo studied a combination of vitamin D3 and eggshell powder in animals with osteoporosis. Not only was the eggshell powder with vitamin D3 able to improve bone mineral density, but it did it without significantly increasing blood calcium levels. It is composed of various compounds like calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and traces of elements like aluminium, magnesium etc.
One whole medium sized eggshell makes about one teaspoon of powder, which yields about 750 - 800 mgs of elemental* calcium plus other microelements, i.e. magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, sulphur, silicon, zinc, etc. There are 27 elements in total. The composition of an eggshell is very similar to that of our bones and teeth.*Elemental amounts are the amounts absorbable. It need not be taken more than 500 mgs of calcium at one time because human body cannot handle it. If it is needed more than 400 mgs per day then splitting of the  doses during the day to be advised.

Kukkutandatvakbhasmahas been considered under the heading of sudhavarga dravyas as it is one of the important source  of calcium.
Sudhavarga is further subdivided into
1.     Animal origin
2.      Plant origin
3.      Mineral origin
Kukkutandatwak bhasma has been included by later authors of  Rasashastra.Its procedures are mentioned  only in few rasa classics such as Rasa tantrasaar and the same is mentioned in Ayurvedasaarsangrah  also .but other than these classics other methods of kukkutandatwaka bhasmikarana are mentioned by anubhutvaidyas such as khadiwale vaidyasand also various other methods are prevalent which are followed on a commercial bases in few pharmacies.
In granthas no varieties of kukkutandatwaka is described. The methods ofKukkutandatvak bhasma Shodana is Bhavana or nimajjan. Marana (bhasmikarana) is done by  puta method.
Shodhanais a process which separates mala by doing peshana ,kshalana, mardana, nirvapa etcMarana is a process of subjecting Rasa dravyas into a form , which cannot be converted  back into original form .Generally it will be in the form of fine powder and its characteristics  are vaaritara, apunarbhava. The oral administration ofKukkutandatwak bhasma gives effective results in this pathologic manifestation. It had no side effects and is a potent, effective, economical, easily available compound.
The relevant classical and up to date information about all aspects ofkukkutandatvakand its bhasma, its toxicity and research of will be reviewed and collected from the texts of Rasa shastra, Ayurveda and contemporary sciences.
Properties of kukkutandatwaka bhasma:
Rasa- predominantely kashaaya rasa
Virya- ushna
Vipak- shita
Guna- ruksha
Doshagnatha – Kapha-Vata Shamaka properties,
Karma-It is an excellent asthi- mansa Dhatu poshaka vardhaka ,rasayana,vajikaravrishya, raktanuvardhaka , agnideepaka, balya for paachana sansthan,hridya, prasav ke baad atyant baladaayaka,maansvardhak,etc..
Kukkutandatwak bhasma has also been indicated in Raktapradara, Prameha, Mutraroga, Vatavikara and Mansik Daurbala. It also has the properties ofrasayanabalya, and  shaktivardhaka.

Anupaana- mishri , butter , honey

Matra – 1-4 ratti ( 1 Ratti =120 Mg )

 Required quantity of raw drug will be procured from authentic sources and Authentified by expert of respective department ( Rasashastra  & Dravyaguna )
1.Kukkutanda Twak: collected from a local egg stall
2.Changeri Patra :  Raw drug related data was collected from YMT garden, Kharghar.
3.Butter Milk: Freshly prepared at YMT lab.
4.Lemon:  Purchased from local market
Shodhana and marana of kukkutandatvak bhasma was carried out in pharmacy section, department of Rasashastra,
Basic analytical studies was accomplished at the laboratory of  PG section,Rasashastra department ,YMT Ayurvedic Medical College,Navi Mumbai and other related investigations will be conducted in other laboratories.
Experiment no. 1.
Making Eggshell Powder

  Making Powdered Eggshells:
1.      Empty eggshells were washed in warm water until all of the egg white is removed, but the inner membrane was not removed  because it contains important nutrients for the joints which helps arthritis.
broken pieces were laid out on paper towels and were allowed them to air dry thoroughly.
2.     The eggshells were then broken up into small pieces and grinded t into a fine powder in a food processor. Store powdered eggshells in a covered glass jar or container. Keep it in a dry place,

Experiment no.2

Preparation of Kukkutandatwakabhasma by roasting  method:Kukkutandatwak powder= 300 gm.
Butter  milk = 1litre.
Butter milk was added to kukkutandatwak and was kept for 12 hours and then washed and powdered .
Bhavana of kumariswarasa was given and then it was transferred to a kadhai for roasting.till dry powder is formed.and then again it was powdered in khalvayantra.

Experiment no.3

Preparation of Kukkutandatwakabhasma by Steaming method:
Kukkutandatwak powder= 300 gm.
Lemon juice = 600 ml.
1.     The juice of  lemon (freshly squeezed),  was added to kukkutandatwaka powderand mixed well it starts to bubble and foam, which is what was supposed to happen.
2.     Once bubbles stopped mardanasanskara was continued it became dry .it took around 12 hours.
Once it was dried it was neatly wrapped in clean cloth and was steamed in sterilizer of ymt operation theatre. The pressure was maintained to 1.5 kpa for 4 hours.
3.   It was then removed from the sterilizer and transferred again to khalva for mardana till it was completely dried and finely powdered.

Experiment no. 4 - Preparation of Kukkutandatwakabhasma by puta  method:
The shodhana and marana of kukkutandatvak will be done as mentioned in Ayurveda Saarsangraha.
Kukkutandatwak powder= 300 gm.
Changeripatraswarasa = as per requirement
Shodhana : It was done by bhavana .and nimajjana method . i.e. kukkutandatwaka powder was triturated with changeripatraswarasa(oxalis corniculata) and as per text it was transferredin to a sharava andchangeripatraswarasa was added toit till it was completely immersed in changeripatraswarasa . Then it was covered with another sharava and maatkapada was done and was kept for drying.
Once maatkapad was completely dried it was subjected to Gajaputas.after self cooling The reduced powder was again triturated with changeripatraswarasafor 2 days and subjected to three gajaputas. Finally the KukkutandatwakBhasma was collected from the saravasamputa and preserved in air tight containers.
Observation noted while preparing Kukkutandatwakabhasma by roasted  method:

1.After immersion of kukkutandatwaka powder in butter milk it becomes soft and then carefully it was drained.
2. After adding fresh kumara swarasa to dried powder the whole mixture becomes one and then by continuous trituration with kumara swarasa it became soft and homogenous.
3.Once the whole mixture was almost dried and homogenous then it was transferred to an iron kadhai for roasting.
4. While roasting initially it does not stick to the bottom of  iron kadhai but after certain stage it starts adhering to the bottom of the continuous stirring was done.
Observation noted while preparing Kukkutandatwakabhasma by steamed method:

1.After exposing it to steam in sterilizer it became lightly fluffy and soft and was wet which was dried later.
2.After adding lemon juice to kukkutandatwaka powder effervescence started which diminishes as time passes by.

Observation noted while preparing Kukkutandatwaka bhasma by puta method:

1.     After first puta the colour of  bhasma became black in colour.
2.     After second  puta the colour of  bhasma became greyish in colour.
3.     After third puta the colourof  bhasma became white  a

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