Monday 29 July 2013

Cardio protective action of Hritayoga- an ayurvedic formuation

Introduction –

HridayaNirukti - By Shatapata Brahman:-

HrI:-Hajkarane–to receive

Da:-Dana karane—to distribute

Y A :-En Gatyartha—to move

Increased level of total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL & lower concentration of HDL is the major risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease, Atherosclerosis and similar disorders. faulty food habbits, life style leads to cardiac,other than taking ayurvedic medicines an attempt should be made to do nidaan parivarjan which means eliminate the root disease causing factor for a long time relief.

Aim:-To prove cardio protective activity of Hritayoga.


Hritayoga is the combination of-1 . SomanathiTamraBhasma-30mg 2.Abhrak bhasma-120mg 3. Rasasindur -60mg 4. Arjuna Twak ghana-250mg 5. Shringabhasma-60mg


1. Tamra:-Scrapping of fatty deposition on the inner layer of arteries ( lekhana karma) ,anti coagulant, medohara.

2.Abhraka bhasma:-stimulant of sa, avnode, antioxidant, rejuvenator, mental relaxant.

3.Rasasindur:-improves collateral circulation of cardiac muscles.

4.Arjuna:-Reduces chloestrol,triglycerides, ldl,vldllevel. improves strength of cardiac muscles.improveshdllevel

5. shringabhasma –Antianginal, cardiac muscles relaxant.

Parameters of relief in following tests :
1.Total Cholesterol - 69%
3.LDL level- 58
4.HDL level- 46


After the Observation of 10 patients, for 3 month trial we found that objective parameterlike total cholesterol,Triglycerids,LDL level,HDLlevel showed statistically significant result.(p>0.001)
On all above parameters triglycerides, total cholesterol showed more improvement &LDLlevel showed less Improvement. So there is scope for further research to find out the cardio protective efficacy of Hritayoga in large samples. size.

Duration of study –90 days

This was a study conducted on a very small sampe size of 10 patients during our post graduation course. so i would request some scholar to do a further detail study on this project to understand and conclude with some proper conclusion for masses to use this formulation and get benefit from age old science - Ayurveda.

This article is for knowledge purpose kindly take a opinion of an ayurvedic physician before starting this or any kind of medicine for personal use.